G brings out 40 titles a year, ranging from casual to classic, from games aimed at a specific audience (like our high-prize, low-stake slots for Germany) to games everyone wants… They play well, they look gorgeous and they always – always! – have a little G magic.
joIn Us
We’re a partner you can rely on!
We work with you to understand what your players need and the outcome you’re looking for.
We offer the games which help achieve that.
From bespoke assets and content to the friendliest account team in the industry, we want to help you build your success.
G content can be served directly or via one of the platforms:
We add a new platform or direct integration every month!
multiplayer slots
Slots as
Twitch slots play has:
- 48.9K Viewers
- 175 slots channels form 1% of all twitch viewers.
Slots for the new generation.
Average video gamer is 34,45% female and multiplayer video games are the fastest growing segment of the market.
Where is the big opportunity?
When G was founded, we were determined to bring more fun to real-money gaming with multiplayer.
Now that original inspiration has been applied to the thrilling word of slots.
How can we create exciting, challenging and competitive gameplay that draws on the best of video gameplay but has all the excitement and big wins of slots…?
Well, we are working on our biggest idea yet.
Even our worst enemy wouldn’t say we lacked ambition 😉
what do operators believe matters
for the future?

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